Non Boring Gradients

The goal is to make gradients that looks good! The main catch is using different interpolation spaces than sRGB.
It can really change how the gradient look. Another thing is the non linear easing. So basically the gradient will not progress in a linear way.
The easing feature is nothing new but in combination with the interpolation spaces, it makes unique and beautiful gradients!

This is the web version of my figma plugin Non Boring Gradients

Select an easing curve

Per default a gradient is linear, but we have more interesting result when using non-linear easing.

Select an interpolation space

By default, gradient use the rRGB space to blend from a color to another, but we can go further by changing the interpolation space.

linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(50.588% 99.608% 91.373%) 0%, rgb(53.456% 96.078% 91.912%) 6.25%, rgb(56.324% 92.549% 92.451%) 12.5%, rgb(59.191% 89.02% 92.99%) 18.75%, rgb(62.059% 85.49% 93.529%) 25%, rgb(64.926% 81.961% 94.069%) 31.25%, rgb(67.794% 78.431% 94.608%) 37.5%, rgb(70.662% 74.902% 95.147%) 43.75%, rgb(73.529% 71.373% 95.686%) 50%, rgb(76.397% 67.843% 96.225%) 56.25%, rgb(79.265% 64.314% 96.765%) 62.5%, rgb(82.132% 60.784% 97.304%) 68.75%, rgb(85% 57.255% 97.843%) 75%, rgb(87.868% 53.725% 98.382%) 81.25%, rgb(90.735% 50.196% 98.922%) 87.5%, rgb(93.603% 46.667% 99.461%) 93.75%, rgb(96.471% 43.137% 100%) 100% )